Breast Feeding
Perinatal and Infant Community Health Collaboratives
CHRF manages a Breastfeeding Friendly care continuum from pregnancy through infancy to increase breastfeeding initiation. This includes the provision of breastfeeding support through health care practices, peer support, access to breastfeeding information for new mothers, and accessible lactation spaces.
Baby Café: A breastfeeding support group/drop-in center which supports a model of care licensed by Baby Café USA, a non-profit organization that coordinates a network of services to support breastfeeding mothers.
A Baby Café is a place in the community where pregnant and breastfeeding mothers and their families receive free one-on-one support from trained lactation (breastfeeding) specialists.
Café visitors also have a chance to share their experiences with others in a group setting.
To get involved with this program contact
us at 845-271-3875
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